Tuesday, June 10, 2014

When Zaidy Was Young 3- Review

I will start off this review with a guilty confession.
I don't really listen to kids albums any more.
I don't know why, but I just don't.
Oh yes, I might occasionally hear a  uncle moishy tune blasting from a minivan as a mom drops off her kid at one of the many gazillion play groups in my neighborhood.
But thats about it.
Its not really that I don't care for kids albums any more, you see. I think  Its more just a matter of me  not having the time.

That being said, when I heard that Shimmy Shtauber was working with Reb Shmuel Kunda ZTL's son on a tribute album to my hero of blessed memory,  I perked up and took notice.
And then whats more, when I heard that the album continues where Reb Shmuel's beloved When Zaidy was Young 2 left off, I really grew excited.
You see, Shmuel Kunda has always been (and still continues to be) one of my biggest heroes and role models. His albums were always my favorites as a kid growing up.
He had something unique about him that to this day remains unequaled.
Reb Shmuel was a man of many talents.
He could tell amazing stories, Write awesome songs, draw charming illustrations, crack hillarious jokes, come up with the craziest voices and (to top it  all off) create the most unique and lovable characters ever.
His charachters were all so real to us. They had real human qualities and shortcomings we could all relate to.
Wether it was Mr. GinukShoin and the "bullzoders" or Mr. Galamoochi attempting to eat his pasta and being rudely interrupted, we felt these charachters were real true to life 3 dimensional human beings. We empathised with them.
So its March 2014, and I hear about this new album being created from the late Reb Shmuel's script which Reb Shmuel wrote before he passed on.
Right then and there I say to myself  "I must get this album."
Fast forward a few weeks, and here I am writing my take on this blockbuster tribute and continuation memorial album.
Here goes..

So it happened on that late Monday evening in early May. I'm kicking back on the couch with my iced coffee in hand. I reach for the remote, and hit play.
Suddenly, as if by magic, I'm propelled back a few decades in time, to a old magical world of familliar voices and diolauge!
Im back in the loveable and fun world of funny charachters, zaniness, humor, excitement and adventure.
Im back in the world of Kunda.

Our story starts off where many of our previous stories started off, in our beloved zeidy's house.
After receiving a visit from his grandson, (the famous Eli "from all the tapes") zaidy introduces Eli ( and us) to cousin Zundel.
As we get cozy and comfortable, Zundel proceeds to share with us the story of how he and his family struggled in Russia.
The tale continues  through out the album delivering sequence after squence of non stop, action packed,  spellbinding suspense.
We find out about a diabolical plot.
At this point the listener is growing anxious, wondering if Zundel's family can ever be safe again.
In between fast and furious action takes, we are treated to a shmorgasbord of clever puns and side splitting comedy, all delivered in Kunda's trademark style.
The delivery is very authentic, as they stay true through out, to the classic humor and wise cracks we have all come to know and love.
Its kind of scary.
Because, as I was listening, I felt like I was actually listening to an authentic all new Shmuel Kunda production.
Yet, we know Reb Shmuel is now in a better place.
The other thing is the characters.
They all seemed so real.
It seems Reb Shmuel has left some of his talents over to his son.
And Shimmy Shtauber.
What a job Shimmy has done!

All in all, I will say, that this ambitious undertaking has succeded far beyond  any one's expectations.
The action, the dialouges, the lessons, the humor, and most importantly that trademark Kunda style, is all there.
I have no doubt that Reb Shmuel is looking down with pride, and dare I say enjoyment, upon seeing the fruits of his creative efforts being borne out.
And surely enough so will you, enjoy this mega production of a new Kunda tale  for many many good years to come.

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