Monday, April 30, 2012

Restaurant review: Glatt Bite

My first review in my favorites series will be my favorite restaurant. I've eaten in many restaurants. But there is no doubt in my mind that Glatt Bite takes the cake. (Or in this case the schnitzel sandwhich) Okay, So this is my experience.

I walk in the door for the first time, and the first thing I notice before the food and before the ambiance and decor, is the people. At firstI could hardly beleive I was walking into a restaurant. It was more like a friendly family gathering, where everyone greets you with a smile. A good friend of mine  was sitting at a table in the front right corner.He waved at me, and called out for me to come over to his table. In the back left corner a group of bochurim were relaxing after a long day in yeshiva. Some were eating. Some were just "chilling". One of the bochurim who is a customer in my store greeted me warmly. And i began to realize that there was something very different about this place. And yet I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I had been to many restaurants before, where you felt "heimish" and at home. But this was completely different. It was literally like your at home. And by the way, the diversity of people was also striking.There was a older looking African American man who was shmoozing nonchalantly with a young jewish couple about Kosher and other jewish customs. A middle aged chassidic lady was entertaining 9 kids of all different ages, seated around 2 tables who were clearly having the time of their life.

 And so, after haveng been greeted now by both strangers and friends alike from tables all across the room, I was now wondering what the actual service would be like. So i walk up to the counter and a young down to earth fellow whom I was later told is the owner greeted me in a warm freindly voice."Can I help you with anything today?" "Yes" I responded. "I will take one chicken matzoball soup, two plain sschnitzel pastrami sandwhiches and a large gingerale to go please."Sure thing !He smiled at me."Youre order is on the way! Anything else we can help you with today?" " Yeah. My mortgage."  I quipped. He broke out in a huge grin and started laughing hysterically. I then watched as he quickly told the guys in the back my order. Just then a group of young guys came in and plopped down on a table in middle of the store.The owner walked over and sat down at the table and atarted shmoozing with them. And then it hit me.This place is beyond heimish.This place is litterally a home in of itself! Just then a friendly guy whom I know I've seen once before, came over to me askng if i would like to join him at his table with a few of his friends.

 Ok. I think youre getting the picture. Well, let me fast forward now to the food. The chicken soup was just PERFECT! Just the right amount of flavor. Not too spicy.But just enough to make it the best tasting chickensoup I've had in a long time.The sandwhich was so surprisingly good that I was actually tempted to get ar third one! Trust me, I've had many schnitzel sandwhiches before, but this was something else entirely! Anyways, you can bet I'll be coming back here often!! And to summarize I would give this retaurant a 11 out of 10, if that was possible! Superb service. Superb food Superb people. And Superb atmosphere! What more could you possibly want in a restaurant? And i highly reccommend you give it a try! Hearty Appettite!

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