Tuesday, February 4, 2014



The next time you see someone feeling hurt or alone;
The next time you see some one with out a home,
  Show that you care.
Be there. Be there. Be there.
It is our job, our responsibility,
to care for our kids,
our precious family.
Yes, every single struggling kid
is gods beloved precious yid.

Our family. Our precious souls.
Rejected, neglected, and feeling alone.
These are our kids starving to feel loved.
Their our precious kids with souls from above. 

Hurt and pained by the world they see;
Rejected for their differences and personalities.
Where can they turn to when the world seems so cold?
Where can one turn when he feels so alone?
Where can one go when he has no home?
Who will care for a child with nowhere to go?
You may not have the time to be there all day.
But that doesn't mean you can't find something to say.
just one kind word coming straight from your heart.
A smile. A good morning. Thats a great place to start.

Our family. Our precious souls.
Rejected, neglected, and feeling alone.
These are our kids starving to feel loved.
Their our precious kids, with souls from above. 

Every body wants to feel good and have pride.
To feel loved and accepted and welcomed inside.
But the pain of rejection is too much to bear.
Its time to start caring, loving, and drawing all near.
Every hurtful comment, every snide remark;
Every act of rejection slowly leaves Its mark.
Judging criticizing, rejecting, being cold.
Its these things that push kids far outside
the fold.
Taunting by class mates or a teasing rebbe.
Bullying, rejecting and being  so mean.
All these things take a toll on our kids and  teens.
When a kid feels like hes just second class. Or worse;
When he seeks to see love and only finds hurt.
Now at this point, where can he turn??

Our family. Our precious souls.
Rejected, neglected, and feeling alone.
These are our kids, starving to feel loved.
Their our precious kids, with souls from above. 

Every time we tell a kid its his marks that really count.
or we're upset with his Yidishkeit so we scream and shout,
we instill the message that he has no worth at all.
Its all just frumkeit that matters... and quite  soon he does fall.
And if he's a square peg, not cut out for round holes
then how's he to feel when we say round holes or no holes?
Are we only making place for the cream of the crop?
Dare we not include those who can not,
find meaning and yidishkeit inside our box?

             THESE ARE OUR KIDS
Our family. Our precious beautiful souls.
Rejected, neglected, and feeling alone.
These are our kids starving to feel loved.
Their our precious kids with souls from above. 

Yes these kids are starving for love and a chance
to be accepted for who they really are and to dance.
To dance to the beauty of the Yidishkeit they see.
And to fulfill their rolls in Yidihkeits beauty.
And to one day be a light for all humanity.
No two people of course are created the same.
There are 12 beautiful tribes with 12 beautiful  names.
Its time to open our minds and open our hearts
to millions of our precious kids who need a fresh start.
We've got to make our yidishkeit and Torah so exciting and bold.
  appealing to every one all across the fold.   
Because torahs never stale and never gets old.
Our Yidiskeit must become
a thing of real beauty and love.
where all are accepted.
none are rejected.
And may we all soon come together united connected
to serve you above.

Our family. Our precious beautiful souls.
Rejected, neglected, and feeling alone.
These are our kids starving to feel loved.
Their our precious kids with souls from above.